
My site is mainly here to direct my friends to my photos, videos or blogs.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Leadership Camp 2007

On Friday February 16th, Leadership Camp began. And it was awesome. Just look at these pics...Katy and Paul (Our Fearless Leaders)Paul, Aayesha and MellisaLauren, Caliegh and PaulAayesha, Melissa and NikkiNikki and ThiWEB OF APPRECIATIONDaphne, Me and ErickOur group
Katy, Paul, Aayesha, Melissa, Nikki, Daphne, Erick, Thi, Lauren, Caroline, Caleigh and Me
(Go Jingle Bowl Rockers Go)

Inside Stuff To Remember
From the garbage can game to karaoke to group games Camp was awesome. We did blind folded puzzle making(in which we have the puzzle that didn't fit) and also the square game. We also did the big game which was awesome. To eating candy and playing the Penis game and the girls winning!!! To finding out that we didn't have any breakfast Sunday morning and having to do a scavenger hunt to see who eats!!!! Also to polydiactics (laughing through most of it!!) and telling stories with skittles... Also the WEB OF APPRECIATION and "Do you speak Germany?" .... OO Ah I wanna knowwww if you'll be my girl!!!!! Also can't forget the PONY GAME!!! and the chores/dreams game!!!! I hate mowing the lawn because it never gets started.!!!! if you were there you'd get it!!! And the toilet game!!! I'm on a roller coaster.. no your on a toilet!!! Thi you found NEMO!!! Me and Thi's hand difference.!! and me and Daphne always going last!! "its a metaphor for something" if you put to many rocks in at the same time you will die!!! The Zipper and Thi falling during it!!!! Also the toothpaste metaphore and aayesha eating it after!!!

If there are any more please tell me(in the comment button below)


Thi Dao said...

guys, the rocks are SUPPOSED to sink! ..(no they aren't)
our puzzle pieces; what a load of crap! "DOES THIS FIT? AHH"
hi david (: hi thi (:
the zipper.. weeeeeee (i fell)
laughing through polydiatics
i miss it. <3

Unknown said...

OMG David! i LOVE this whole blog all about LC! and im soo glad you had a blast! it really means a lot to me and the rest of the LC planning team that you appreciated the weekend. our group was amazing, and i was only fearless after i realized that i didn't have anything to fear with the group of JINGLE BOWL ROCKERS!! why? becuz everyone was completely AMAZING!! im soo glad i got to hang out and get to kno you better over the course of the LC weekend. thank you for rocking david! you are waaaaaay kool!

-Katy B :)

PS METAPHORE! on guys, its not a metaphore! ok this time it really was a metaphore with the toothpaste.
the puzzle=HILARIOUS!
uhh, we had sooo much foooooood! lol. i loved it! the weekend not the food, well the food was good too, but oh you guys kno wut i mean:P

Anonymous said...

yay LC! <3 haha oh man it was definitely an AWESOME TIMES FOURTY BAJILLION weekend =)
this group was so amazing and i just want to say that i miss everyone in our group.. you guys rock! Jingle Bowl Rockers even... hehe
just want to say that MY puzzle worked! haha
and those silly metaphors.. the sad thing is most of them actually WERE metaphors! oh goodness go us.

thanks for being such a wonderful group guys, and thanks david for making this blog so we can all remember it!
love you all! uhh.. yes =) haha